Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Classic Nor'easter

It wasn't record breaking. It didn't really even stop people from coming to work. The snow hit New York City around 11pm Tuesday night and quit 24 hours later.

The snow did "force" me to stay at my brother's apartment an extra night. Oh nuts. I didn't have a 2+ hour commute into the city because of the snow. How awful. Except I didn't pack enough socks. Opps.

It's actually really hard to tell how much white stuff fell in the city. The streets are too warm with traction from cars for much to stick, and most store owners were out there every few hours pushing the little snow on the sidewalks into the streets and drains.

It did leave a lot of slush in crosswalks that I happily jumped over.

I forgot my camera at home so these pictures are all thanks to Gothamist.

I saw something similar on my way to work and thought "Damn, I wish I had my camera, I want to take a picture of that." Apparently, someone else was thinking the same thing.

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