Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Down Time, What's That?

In my opinion, the best time to start a new job in corporate America is during the Holiday Season. During the holidays, the environment is relaxed, everyone is a little happier, and no one is here past 5:15pm. I'm actually easing in to my new responsibilities rather than being thrown in head first.

And I even have this thing called "down time" that gives me a moment to check my e-mail, and even write a blog post.

But here have been the highlights so far at work:

-Bigger Desk (Minus the big support beam in the cubical. I'd take a picture, but I don't want to seem like a creeper just yet)
-Learning Final Cut Pro
-Learing other fun tech things, I'll soon be an expert!
-I have to be super organized, so I'm taking advantage of all the free office supply! (Hooray Post-Its!)
-Production Pot-Luck Lunch... so tasty!
-Holidays and Half Days!
-Friendly Co-Workers
-Constant communication between teammates (some might find this annoying, but it's quite refreshing compared to my previous work environment)
-My very on company Blackberry... I look forward to getting addicted. :)

- My desk is next to the men's bathroom (I'll know people's pee schedules :P)
- My teammate went to Duke (But he's teaching me everything I need to know, so I'll let it slide...for now.)

I've already been told to prepare for a crazy busy January, so I'm really appreciating the down time to really get my feet wet, and practice all the stuff I'll be responsible for.

Now if you'll excuse me, Gchat is calling...

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