Friday, April 16, 2010

Big Lights, Big Bridges, Beautiful City

There are few things in life that are better than a long stroll with good company. After an amazing Groupon dinner where Steve and I ate our weight in Japanese food, we thought there was no better way to walk off that food than a stroll over the Brooklyn Bridge back to my apartment.

I handed Steve my camera because I'm just too lazy to use all the cool features.

He likes to be all artistic. It's cute.

There are a few things that you don't get to see by just driving over the Brooklyn Bridge:
1. The wooden floorboards that you walk on have small spaces between them, so you can see the lights of the cars breezing under you. Very cool, but also made me start thinking about just how old (and sturdy) this bridge is.
2. The bridge was completed in 1883, one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States.
3. The walkway splits as both a bike path and walkway, and the center of the bridge has become a great place to sit and watch the world go by.

We both look a little like deer in headlights. I blame the building lights, and the random stranger who took the picture.

So perfect. Makes it really hard not to fall in love with the city.
Hey DC friends, wanna visit/move here? Look how pretty it is!!

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