I'm sad to say I did not get the chance yesterday to truly celebrate National
Donut Day. I kept telling myself I should stop by Dunkin' Donuts for a free donut with drink purchase, but I never got around to it.
I mean look at it. So delicious and tasty. I feel like Homer Simpson.
Mmm pink frosting.
It got me thinking about the other national food holidays that may be over looked ever year. I had the delicious chance to celebrate National Chocolate Cupcake Day, thanks to Hostess, when I was producing at Newschannel 8. (Just a reminder, it's on October 18th, in case you want to mark your calendars)
Here's how that phone conversation went:
Me: "Hello this is Samantha with Newschannel 8"
Awesome Hostess Lady (AHL): "Hi there, we would like to help you celebrate National Chocolate Cupcake Day, do you mind if we send you some Hostess Cupcakes?"
Me: "Really?! Do I have to do anything?"
AHL: "No, if you want to mention that it's National Chocolate Cupcake Day on October 18th, you can."
Me: "Score! Send them my way!"
A week later I got four boxes of Hostess Cupcakes to share with my friends at work (and sneakily hide one for myself later) And most of you know just how much I love my Hostess Cupcakes, see
Tart Reform, and you'll understand (Thanks Amy!)
Anyway, those are not the only food holidays. Did you know today is National Gingerbread Day? Me neither! Or just wait until June 7th for National Chocolate Ice Cream day! Or if seafood is your thing, June 15th is National Lobster Day!
To check out the food holidays,
click here. Oh and of course I looked up my birthday. March 4th is National Pound Cake Day.
Mmmm pound cake. Mmmm food holidays. Mmmm do I have anything to eat in my kitchen?